Strong, Fit-for-Purpose Teams

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It is not unusual for us to begin working with clients only to realize a genuine desire to apply systems thinking and create commercially sustainable solutions is being held back by a limited understanding of these (market) systems, low analytical capabilities within the team, and an organizational structure not equipped to support the systems analysis, analysis and learning and the adaptive management processes needed to facilitate change. 

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We recognize these challenges and have the know-how and experience needed to support organizations to get the three key building blocks in place - the right team, the right budget, and strong yet flexible project systems and management approaches. 

We work with organizations and projects to build the team, culture and systems needed to facilitate system-wide change. We often use the McKinsey 7S model as a means of communicating with clients and teams the importance of a fit-for-purpose organization with all aspects of the organization in place, functioning at their optimum and aligned.