Research for Market Systems Development (5 to 9 June 2023, Online training)

Effective design and management of market systems interventions relies on high-quality market intelligence. This is not a secret. However, collecting data can often feel like a struggle, a choice between cumbersome field work, outsourced surveys that are difficult to manage and interpret, or hiring expensive consultants. We can help you make your data collection efforts more relevant and time and resource efficient. Research can be fun!    

This course will show you how to choose, design, and apply suitable research tools to obtain reliable and relevant quantitative and qualitative data for intervention monitoring and management. Good research is about choosing the right tool for the right question and context, not about sample size! We will help you adhere to best practices in research and results measurement by knowing how to mix research methods for generating actionable data. Participants will learn about what questions to ask and what tools to use for their specific research needs. This will not be a theoretical exercise. As part of the course, each participant can work with the trainers and apply what they have learnt on a real-life scenario of their choice. 

After completing the course, you will know how to design and implement effective research that helps you become a well-informed implementer.

Advanced Training Workshop in Results Measurement (9 to 13 October 2023, Bangkok, Thailand)

Results measurement enables programs to learn from experience so that they can maximise sustainable impacts, and report results credibly to program stakeholders. The spread of the DCED Results Measurement Standard and other initiatives have contributed to improving practice around the world. Yet, even experienced results measurement practitioners encounter challenges, particularly as programs mature and increase their focus on fostering lasting system shifts in sectors.

This unique training workshop will bring together experienced results measurement practitioners to share lessons learned, solve common problems, exchange practical approaches to address identified challenges and build a supportive network. Participants will become more capable and confident to lead results measurement in organizations that aim to catalyse system change across the world.

By the end of the training workshop, you will have improved knowledge and skills to tackle assessment of system change with confidence; incorporate relevant dimensions of system change into your programs’ results measurement system; Integrate the latest practices and developments in results measurement into your work; and interact with a larger network of colleagues and collaborate together.